Compensation Management
The Compensation Administration is broken down into six areas:
Job Analysis
A two-method approach: Questionnaire and Interview. We meet with your employees and/or supervisors to complete the job analysis questionnaire. We suggest structured times, approximately one hour. During this time we will complete the questionnaire and interview the designated person.
Job Descriptions
From the information obtained through job analysis we will develop job descriptions.
Job Evaluation
We complete the evaluations of each job using an appropriate method suitable for your company. Once they are completed we will review them with management for approval and test their validity.
Salary Survey
We will use one of our salary surveys or one provided by your company.
Salary Ranges
Current salary ranges will be reviewed or new ones established. These ranges will be internally, as well as, externally equitable and meet the market demands. You can choose from the traditional salary ranges or the newer method.
Customized Performance Evaluations
As we produce the job descriptions, we will work with your supervisors to establish performance appraisals that are directly related to the Company's specific jobs. They are objective performance appraisal forms that are based on the job duties and not subjective criteria. |